This is a new beginning!!!!HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYBODY!!!awww....once again i feel so loved by all the amount of sms-es i've gotten. no doubt some may be forwarded, but at least i'm in ur list. -huggies everyone- i'm sorry that most of you guys did not receieve any well wishings in return. its abit too much to wish everyone. hee.
the most perfect way to start off the year? hmm....i have no idea. but reading my horoscope predictions has always been like so routined, so i did just that. i'm hoping what's good really comes true, and what's bad stays away.
OVERVIEW: Relationships, relationships, relationships. That's going to be your focus during the first half of 2006, particularly during January and February. If you're single, prepare to be approached by someone you've been seeing on an extremely casual basis -- someone who's ready to commit, and who hopes you're willing to do the same. If you're not quite ready, though, don't allow yourself to feel forced, manipulated or talked into it. If you're attached, expect to be proud of your choice and to end up even closer to your partner by the time summer rolls around. During the first three weeks of November, an old flame will reappear in your life, most likely asking for another shot. If you think you two really can come up with new solutions to those old problems, and you're interested, go for it. If not, bow out gracefully and see if you can't simply remain friends.
Throughout 2006, you'll need to keep an extra careful eye on your finances. Overspending will come easily to you, but if you give in to temptation, you'll have plenty of time to regret it -- especially if you overextend via plastic. In addition to keeping track of what you need to pay back and when, you should also put a bit of cash aside. You may need it for professional reasons around the end of March or the beginning of April. You should also keep an eye out for the possibility of turning a hobby into a part-time source of income -- at least part-time. The universe may be trying to nudge you into a whole new profession, and this could be just the beginning.
By early winter, if someone from out of town comes to you with an offer (and this someone happens to be quite interesting, exotic and influential), think hard before you automatically refuse it. This could be the one you've been waiting for. Above all else -- and in all departments -- trust your instinct. After all, when has it ever let you down?
LOVE: If nothing else, the first half of 2006 will be fantastic for your self-esteem. And it won't cost you a thing. There's no need for expensive counseling or self-help books when it seems like everyone around you is singing your praises. Revel in the unexpected recognition of your attributes and talents, and don't be surprised if romantic overtures accompany the hearty compliments.
In the relationship department, this situation could be exactly what you've been looking for -- or it might turn you off a certain overly enthusiastic individual forever. If you're single, you're likely to be approached by someone you'd never quite thought of as a serious prospect. The other person may feel far more passionately than you do. If you're not prepared for the exclusive relationship they propose, then respect your own instincts and don't allow yourself to be persuaded. The sweet talk can only last so long. If you've already got a special someone, showers of praise and material signs of affection from your partner certainly aren't going to hurt your relationship. Just make sure to accept the flattery with grace, and you'll feel incredibly close to your partner as the year progresses.
Later in the year, you may have to wean yourself from the unsolicited accolades. But don't worry -- you won't need verbal signs of affection when people's actions make their respect abundantly clear. You'll rack up admirers like other people collect fine bottles of wine. During the first three weeks of November, a blast from the past may surface. Even if this person isn't begging for another chance, they're probably testing the waters to see if you'd be willing to give it another go. Honestly ask yourself if you think things would be appreciably different; if the answer's no, retreat before any damage is done. In the early winter, look for a new face or even a foreigner to make an entrance into your life. You'll instantly recognize this person as friend or foe, so go with your gut when it comes to making decisions about the future.
kinda long huh? to watch some vcds. enjoy the day ppl!!!!