Just as i thought year 2005 is gonna close off peacefully, i receieved a piece of disturbing and upsetting news.
in the midst of playing my mahjong game on my lappy with mommie disturbing me, a sms sent all the way from thailand reached me.
"alissa has a 4mm hole in the heart. doc says just have to monitor her but try not to let her catch a cold, or else will get asthma easily. 75% possibility of getting smaller and 40% that the hole will close. he said if it reduce to less than 3mm then she would be fine. stress...sg doc never tell me anything."
how does that feels when u are reading it? she's barely three months old.
"the heart specialist here(thai) said she is born like this already. just that the sg doc never check in detail. she is fine, just cannot fall sick lor..."
its so heart wrenching to hear such a thing befall on the little princess. and to witness once again, how negligent sg doctors are. i'm so disgusted by them. becoz its not the first time i heard stories bout how these babies suffered due to their incompetence and failure to discover any problems/defects.
its so coincidental that my new year resolution for alissa is for her to grow up healthy. i pray that she would be fine in time to come. and may god bless this little girl.