The Big Day..i woke up early at 6.45am as instructed to drink a glass a water. i decided against eating because i was simply too full.
went back to sleep..and before long, it was time to go to the hospital...
the reporting time to clear the admin work was 1.15pm and my scheduled operation time was 2.15pm. guessed wat time was i wheeled in the OT? 4.30pm. i even had time to finish reading the straits times while waiting.
first time in my entire life have i got this on..its not pink!
while waiting...couldn't resist snapping pictures...there's actually a small waiting area outside the actual OT. and everytime the surgeons or nurses come out from there, i could hear all the machine sounds. it was quite scary knowing all these would be used on u as well.
my surgeons and anaesthesiologist came walking out to assure me, so i didn't feel that scared while waiting. the nervousness and shivers came only when the nurse inserted the drip. my threshold of pain isn't that high..and i was really afriad. the first prick of pain came when she poked the needle in. i decided to endure that but i shouted "ouch" as she pushed it in. hello, that needle is bigger than those blood tests needles. and there's like a stinging pain following the insertion.

mummy told me there'll be alot of ppl in the OT. no joke. there's my anaesthesiologist, 3 nurses, 2 male nurses and my 3 surgeons. i was given a pure oxygen mask to breathe through while i was injected with anaesthesia. 2 breathes to doze off? i think i took more than 10 breaths. the anaesthesiologist had to inject more to make me sleep. the nurse was saying "jolene take deep breathes. your eyes are still so wide big." it was really a matter of mere seconds that i was asleep. the next i knew, i was wheeled out already.


noticed the difference? the two ping pong balls by the sides are gone. all i'm left with is an open wound, an aching tongue, a sore throat, giddiness and fever.
swallowing is such a chore..
and look wat i'm being forced fed with?
and my eeyore was looking at me pitifully...
the whole experience wasn't that bad. for dunno wat reason, the doctors decided to place me in the day surgery ward instead of my b2 ward. thank god for that, and thanks for all ur prayers. this ward has air con and tv! managed to catch the last episode of the 9pm show. hehe.
not forgetting to thank those who made an effort to visit me despite your busy busy day...
ah ma, nanny, chad chad, aunt mary and uncle jonathan, zhao jian, jingwen, yong liang, chunkeng and my family members. and thanks for all the calls and smses i've got.
its nice being loved and fussed over. hee~