Bunk over!no, its not me bunking over at someone's house...
nanny brought chad chad over!!!!!
i'm so thrilled...coz this little darling is so adorable too. he is so charming, he has dimples on both sides of his cheeks! and when he talks to you, he talks gently =imitates his "jie jie, can i play the gameboy?"= and he looks so huggable that i feel like hugging him to sleep!

but all these comes with a price. i gotta give up my bed and sleep on the floor. i'm fine with it actually.
had a long day at school...studied alittle after lecture...not bad...finally found that the sch is rather conducive for some peaceful studying. then met boey for dinner. went to toa payoh library's children's section while waiting for the rest to arrive. so many cute little babies. i was so excited i wanted to borrow some book on "how to get pregnant". haha...but i was so tired that i left early, after dinner and some chitchatting. anyway win, xf, and this new girl are with her. so she's in good hands i guess. hehe..
gonna sleep soon le. morning lecture, plus alissa's first month celebration, followed by lulu's bash.
i can't imagine how i would feel tml even before the day is over. seems like my sleep is nv enough...