
Y Jolene

Make Some Noise!


the monk

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Wednesday, March 08, 2006

i started out listening to music at quite a tender age. under the influence of my many aunts i guess. when they told me i used to dance to madonna's like a virgin, i went "huh?" that was when i was like 2 years of age and obviously still very cute. or was i 3? 4? 5? well, u guys get it that i am saying i was young at that time right? still am now though!

anyway, the bizzare thing is, my interest for english songs was never really there. i grew to enjoy listening and humming and singing mandrin pop more often than not. what am i trying to say here? maybe early influence might not necessarily help? so pregnant mums need not do those pre-teaching when the baby is still a foetus?

now that i am of this age, i am one fifth of a century old, once again i find myself straying off. maybe perhaps it was my op. i never felt the same again. my passion for singing seems to have died off gradually. i no longer sing for the pleasure and satisfaction that i used to derive from it. i sing, for the sake of it.

sure, when ppl ask me, i would still exclaim that i lurrrrrrrrrve singing to bits. how true is it, perhaps only me myself would know the exact answer.

did i lose interest for it over time? i seriously dunno. but it works this well isn't it? once u grow tired of something, u find something new.

was blog-whoring tonight. my msn kaki wasn't around and the night is quiet. it certainly was a good chance for me to catch up on the previously missed entries by those blogs which i frequently read.

disclaimer: what i am going to say from now, has got nothing to do with my private life or how things are between me and myboy. its just very.random.thoughts.

so i was saying, i was blog-whoring where i came across this particular guy's blog. he mentioned how he was cheatin on his longtime gf with his present colleage. and apparently both of them are very attached while being attracted to each other.

if there happens to be any guy or anyone who can answer my question with a satisfactory answer, please try.
"how can u claim you LOVE your gf, while SCREWING some other girls, and u find urself developing feelings for her? and u LOVE ur gf still?"

wo bu ming bai....wo zhen de bu zhi dao...

is it the same as the old saying "guys can have 3 wives 4 concubines, while women have to stay faithful to one."?

please, someone explain to me!

its interesting to read bout something that's totally so different from my way of life and how such people actually exists. at the same time, it puts me off totally.

i dunno how girls or guys out there are subjected to such treatments. its just another disheartening episode to add onto the whole love story.

i remember reading one of lulu's entry. this was what she wrote:
"i'm in love. but i miss the feeling of falling in love."

i thought bout it, and i agreed.

this post is getting more random than it could randomly be. i can't sleep because i succumbed to a 90min nap earlier on. i was so tired from the 2 lectures we had today.

on a lighter note, i was quite happy to see my fellow career fair workmates. they brightened up my gloomy morning. not to mention, we are now so "popular". once we walked into the office, the admin staff greeted us by our names! wow-whee! its nice though. i'm enjoying it.

oh, let me just talk abit bout my interview on monday.

patrick, the senior manager, smsed me on sunday to tell me he is gonna take leave on monday, and lattifah, the supervisor will interview me instead. still got such nice guys around not? he is the biggest ass in the office. he could simply delegate his authority without even informing me. but he bothered to can? super mr nice guy. no wonder my sis says he is like so nice.

and he has this to die for voice. when he called me to fix the date and time a couple of days before, i was very intrigued by how he sounded.

when i told my sister, she added that he is the kind of guy i would like. tall with specs and nice hair and mr nice guy. so the next question was, is he attached. u guys know the answer, good guys are never available. but it was said his gf is the suckiest gf one could ever have. before you guys think i am interested in him, i am not. i am just very interested to match his voice to his looks.

anyway, lattifah couldn't make any decisions on my employment. so it is all up to patrick now, who wasn't present at the interview. a bunch of weirdos.

oh, and i suddenly rememebered that i wasn't entirely gonna speak bout my interview. i was gonna talk bout raffles place. the dreaded area.

the crowd. the people. the crowd. the people.

its a scary amount. its as though raffles place was a big piece of candy, and we are all those bloody big red ants that stings!

be thankful if u ever find a decent table to lunch without sharing it with strangers staring at how u swallow ur rice or take a bite off ur chicken drumstick. the unofficial yet very much obliged rule: a packet of tissue paper on the table, means its taken. so can i put a packet of tissue in myboy's pocket and tell others he is taken?

i am feeling so bored now. my hair seems redder by the day. the more i wash, the redder it gets.
i wanted the colour to NOT fade that easily, but not get more loud by the number of washes!

i finally dugged out the answer to the big question everyone is asking: is terence and yingxiu together? answer is YES! hehehehehe...this guy here is a GREAT catch k? maturity comes with age, and he has a very character to begin with. i'm sure the 6 yrs of age gap is nothing to them. afterall, love overcomes everything right?

my thoughts are freaking contradicting themselves right now.

are u guys tired of reading what i wrote already? i wonder how many actually finishes reading every single word, and understand what i am saying. drop me a tag if u did that yea?!

I stopped falling in love @ 12:28 AM