Chen XinHuicheryl nicole tan...thats the name of chad's baby sister. she is soooooooooooo loveable...her skin is sooooo silky smooth and her hair so soft and cottany...and she is soooo rosy...goodness...she is one active little girl...always kicking away her blanket...sighs...i wan a kid too! hehes
but seeing the pain clara(the mummy) has to endure after her c-section operation, i have second tots bout having a kid. haha...=smacks myself= i'm talking as if i'm 5months pregnant right? hehes
anyway my uncle made me write the chinese characters for cheryl's chinese name in the birthcert. i swear this girl is gonna hate me for writting so horribly. it looks so yucky i feel like banging my head against the wall. but the mummy said its much nicer than the dad's guess...its ain't that bad. its so tedious practising for it...till i told them "i'll marry a ang moh to aviod such situations" haha...okie...just a joke...
chad is so so so so cute...his vocab improved tremendously!!!!! he noes "M" for mac. he noes colours like blue green pink...he noes frog...he noes how to call "ku ku"(which stands for auntie)...and he can count...but he always starts from 2...and revolve around 2 and 3..goodness...soooooooooooo cute can?
went for singing rehearsal earlier on with sharon and esther...then went kbox(again?!) with sharon to further practice together. i'm so glad there's someone in the same boat as at least we could give each other finalised song list:
1) ru guo you yi tian
2) wo ying gai de dao
3) yin wei ni
4) xing qi yi tian qi qing wo li kai ni